There are numerous penalties for DWI/OWI convictions in New Orleans. Tom Harang can ensure that you know exactly what to expect and what you can do to dispute the charges against you. Penalties can range from probation to jail time, community service or substance abuse counselling, significant financial penalties, having your license suspended or even revoked.
The severity of the penalty will depend on whether it is your first, second, third, fourth arrest or conviction for DWI. Of course you might have legal defenses that would prevent you from being convicted at all. However, only a lawyer who is experienced in DWI defense can tell you if there are legal defenses to your charge that exist based on the specific circumstances of your case.
If you are facing a DWI or OWI charge, it is important to have somebody on your side who will stand up for your rights. Call Tom Harang for legal representation in both Spanish and English.